Thursday, September 15, 2011

There's Peacocks on the Porch

I spent the night in Orlando last night so I could help a friend buy a car canopy and get it home because her car was not big enough to carry the thing. Of course, B. J.'s only had the one and it had been sold. So after grabbing a bite, I headed home. When I got here, there were four large, male peacocks on my back porch. Now, I love wildlife just as much as the next person. You don't live in the woods and not like wildlife. HOWEVER, this does not mean I like Peacock poop on my porch.
Don't get me wrong, they're beautiful birds and I was enchanted to find them strutting around the porch and yard, proud as they could be of their inherent beauty. When I first saw them, I thought: I need to get me some peacocks. Didn't take me long to change my mind when I saw the state of said back porch. And for those of you who've never been up close and personal with a peacock...peacock poop smells like you might imagine someone would smell if they'd worn the same underwear for a week in 100 degree heat. Yum...not. So, any tips on how to discourage a peacock from taking up residence on your porch?

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